Each week this October, Rhodian is offering free events designed to help your business overcome cybersecurity and compliance challenges. Learn about ways to reduce cybersecurity risks and build a stronger cybersecurity culture for your business.
Learn about Risk-Based Cybersecurity and how this approach helps businesses identify the most impactful and cost-effective ways to address their cybersecurity risks.
Break down cybersecurity risks involved with working outside of the office and ways to address them.
Data security and breach notification requirements can come from laws, cyber liability insurance, and 3rd parties. We share what to watch for and how to prepare.
Here’s your to-do list to put it all together and some high-impact areas to start with.
Each week, we will feature an interview with special guests to hear their perspectives on cybersecurity challenges facing businesses today. Bring your own questions for the open Q&A.
Attendees of each event will be entered into a random drawing giveaway, varies by session, see registration link for details
Guest: Paul Redding, VP of Partner Engagement and Cybersecurity at Compliancy Group
Giveaway: $150 Amazon Gift Card, courtesy of Compliancy Group
Guest: Matt Petrosky, VP of Product Management at GreatHorn Email Security
Giveaway: Free Email Threat Assessment
Guest: SSA Kevin M. Varpness, Supervisory Special Agent for the FBI’s Cyber and Counterintelligence Squad in Nashville, TN
Giveaway: 1 Free External Vulnerability Scan (up to 10 Ext IPs)
Guest: Brian Thompson, Co-Founder and CEO at defend-id
Giveaway: 1-year coverage with defend-id’s platinum program
Attend the live Special Guest Webinars to automatically be entered to win their respective giveaway. Following the presentation, we’ll announce the winner on our LinkedIn page!
In addition to the giveaways during Special Guest Webinars, everyone is welcome to try to solve our Ciphertext Puzzle for their chance at more prizes.
Can you crack this code? JKELVHG EHVZJW
See the instructions on how to play along here: PDF
Watch the events for keys to the puzzle and get clues in our weekly recap videos that we’ll post on LinkedIn.
Follow us through the October 2022 All-Access Pass to get our featured list of free resources:
Learn the basics of cybersecurity through this comprehensive guide.
Key factors that will help you identify the right vendor for your specific needs.
Our experience with hundreds of businesses across diverse industries provides us with the expertise to understand your unique challenges.